

Tainui Kāwhia Incorporation

Second Harvest 2024

Tanui Kāwhia Incorporation (TKI) is undertaking the second harvest of its forest estate in Kāwhia and to celebrate this milestone a Whakawātea was held on August 7, 2024, on site in the forest.

Rūruhi and Koroheke from Ngāti Mahuta and Ngāti Hikairo conducted proceedings to recognise the milestone. Karanga, Karakia and Waerea were shared to acknowledge our Atua, Te Kīngi Māori, our whenua, our tūpuna, and our current generation who are involved in the second rotation harvest.

After the ceremony Hano Ormsby and Major Nelson felled two trees in a symbolic gesture that represented the passing of the rākau and the legacy that Hano has with the forest (Hano felled the first tree from the first harvest in 1973), and the handing over of the mantle to Major who leads the Complete Logging business that is doing the current harvest.

After the ceremony in the forest everyone attended a kai whakanoa and a presentation of the history of the whenua and the forest.

We thank our Rūruhi and Koroheke Te Papi and Rangi Cunningham, Horahaere Scott and Lloyd and Hinga Whiu for their important roles in the ceremony. We also thank TKI Committee members John Forbes, Lees Seymour and Kenneth Riddell, Rob Angus and Todd Cheeseman from Waipa Forest Management, Major Nelson and his harvesting crew and Tony Sargison from Rotorua Forest Haulage for their participation and attendance.